
Top Choices of Electric Pallet Stackers For Warehouse Operations

There are many kinds of electric pallet stackers, and each type varies in applications. Likewise, each business has its own requirements for its warehouse operations. Hence, you must choose an electric stacker that fits your warehouse needs. Types of Electric Pallet Stackers and Their Application With so many electric pallet stackers for sale, you can […]


Hand Pallet Truck Safety: How to Load and Unload

Hand pallet truck safety is important for safe operation. A hand pallet truck is a vital piece of equipment for any industry that handles heavy material. This machine can greatly reduce the risk of injury when loading and unloading material and transporting them from one place to another. However, it is important to use the […]


8 Hand Pallet Truck Tips to Increase Safety & Efficiency

These hand pallet truck tips will help you operate the machine efficiently and safely. Hand pallet trucks are used every day in warehouses across the world. From lifting to moving pallets around, they are a necessary tool for any warehouse or production line. But as with every piece of machinery, they still pose a risk […]

Effective Warehouse MHE Safety Tips for 2021

Warehouses can be very hazardous if workers don’t practice warehouse MHE safety tips.  In Malaysia, the manufacturing sector had 3876 cases of occupational hazards in the year 2020 alone.  Occupational Accident Statistics by Sector 2020 by DOSH Apart from work accidents, businesses will experience more downtime, legal issues and affected operations.  Hence, to avoid these […]


How-to Guide to Effective MHE Maintenance

MHE maintenance is a must for every MHE to maintain its performance. Not only proper maintenance of material handling equipment prevents MHE breakdowns, but it also improves production line flow. This will certainly help as warehouses are a fast-paced and busy environment. So, you need a properly maintained warehouse MHE for optimum work. Hence, follow […]


5 Handy Tips to Handle Heavy Material Safely

Safe handling is a must when working with heavy material. Safety Tips when Handling Heavy Materials The workplace is a busy and active environment with various activities happening all around. This can lead to possible distractions and negligence among workers. However, putting in place warning signs isn’t enough. Because as an employer, you must know […]

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